For Justice and good government
For Justice and good government

FairGO was established in 1986 by Greg Bloomfield as a uniquely Australian political strategist for voters to engage with politicians on any issue, large or small.

It was born out of the need for community and business concerns to be heeded by the governments elected and paid to represent and serve them.

It empowers people and community groups through community funded NFP political persuasion campaigns.
It's independence stems from non-party political, non-government funded, NFP fee for service model. It rarely covers costs and has never distributed any profits.
Greg Bloomfield

FairGO has developed a Voters network to allow every Australian to express their views on any issue and to rate their elected MPs. FairGO has strenuously sought to avoid becoming a power base in itself, believing that instead, power should rest with the people it helps.

Or call for a chat about how we can help you with your particular issues
phone 02 9988 3312, 0428 417 496


Greg Bloomfield, Founder of FairGO