3 V’s for Voters – Voterlobby – Votergrams – Voters Network

Lobbyists and ex-politicians win defence dollars Big Business lobbyists and former MPs who have learned the ropes of democracy and […]

Fair Go for Aussies It surprises me that 40 years after we invented our Votergrams and Moneygrams, some Australians are […]

The Votergram Revelation

Government Government bureaucrats, public servants and contractors are paid and resourced by your taxes to deliver good, honest and fair […]

Regional, Rural and Remote Australia’s Rights

Regional, Rural and Remote  Australians are seriously deprived of what capital city Australians regard as their basic rights. Yet they […]

Safety in a shopping centre like Bondi

After disaster like Bondi we want to act. Soon we move on. So does government. In big crowded cities there […]

Turbocharging democracy!!

As in many things, there is a change in Aussie democracy. Traditionally the government ran the show and the people […]

The winning borrower

A Fairgo for the bank borrower

A book about a fair go for the bank borrower. “I was phoned one day by an IT executive, just […]

2024 Challenges abound

Australia moves out of a challenging 2023 into a 2024 already plagued by problems that will only be resolved by  […]

Trouble with Transmission lines

Farm profits down the drain Farm profits can go down the drain fast when government utility construction staff enter a […]

o Protest or Persuade? That is the Democracy Dilemma!

Anti-Protest laws outlawed! It is dangerous when politicians can stop people from protesting. First step towards totalitarian rule. That‘s how […]