Trouble with Transmission lines

Farm profits down the drain Farm profits can go down the drain fast when government utility construction staff enter a […]

o Protest or Persuade? That is the Democracy Dilemma!

Anti-Protest laws outlawed! It is dangerous when politicians can stop people from protesting. First step towards totalitarian rule. That‘s how […]

Current Regional Road Funding Formula falls short

The current regional road funding formula adds pressure to small business finances. Business profitability can be affected by poor infrastructure. […]

Time to tackle taxes

Concerned about the Cost of Living Crisis; skyrocketing home mortgages; interest rates? You can persuade politicians to guide government to […]


The Democracy Code

Demonstrate in the nicest of ways, what you want done. Educate your elected representatives about your needs. Millions of voters […]

Getting a Fair GO means understanding how to make it happen!

Talk is cheap and easy I am amazed that so many people are calling for Royal Commissions into issues. The […]

Borrowers denied a Fair Go by Billionaire Bankers

Banks knew interest rates would rise. Borrowers did not. Thousands stand to lose their homes, deposits, repayments, businesses or farms. […]

Make Profit a Priority

Profits can be thin on the ground in many family farms and businesses, particularly when times are tough. At any […]

Votergram Voice for all Australians

New voice will not affect Votergram Voices There has been heavy publicity about the Indigenous Voice and whether it might […]

A Voice for Victims

Residents Rally Residents in Queensland have rallied to form an organisation Voice for Victimsqld, to specifically deal with increasing youth […]